Author, Speaker & Financial Planner
Sylvia Walker is highly skilled and experienced in the financial services industry, having spent a large part of her career as a marketing manager for a blue-chip company. During this time, she worked closely with the media, conducting hundreds of presentations, doing radio and TV interviews and writing many articles for publications such as O, the Oprah magazine, Good Housekeeping / Goeie Huishouding, Sarie, The Mercury, Plus 50 and many others. She left the corporate world at the end of 2014 to pursue her interests further afield. She is also a published author. She contributed chapters on financial planning in Mary Ann Shearer’s Take Control the Natural Way and Nadia Bilchik and Lori Milner’s Own Your Space. She authored Dealing in Death – Ellen Pakkies and a Community’s Struggle with Tik and co-authored Steeped in Blood, the memoirs of Dr David Klatzow, which was shortlisted for the Alan Paton Award in 2011. She also co-authored and published Reflections for Old Mutual in 2013. Sylvia is currently a financial planner, writes articles, and conducts workshops on various aspects of financial literacy and planning. She is also the resident financial guru on the Cape Talk Early Breakfast Show, and is on air every Friday morning. Her latest book, SmartWoman, has just been published, and is a culmination of many years of experience in advising women on how to gain financial freedom and grow their wealth.

Read Sylvia's Articles
by Sylvia Walker
To say that it’s a tough business environment right now is an understatement. While many of us are trying to put food on the table, others simply have no income. Adaptability is key and we have to rethink how we operate our personal as well as business finances. New circumstances are creating a new normal for us. Some tips and pointers as to how to adapt and switch our thinking.
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
It’s been a tough year financially as the world has reeled under the impact of Covid-19. For many, the financial impacts have been far-reaching and it’s been a daily battle just to keep afloat. As the economies slowly start opening up again and business start operating, some people are left with financial devastation – how and where do you start rebuilding and moving ahead?
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
The world is in crisis, grappling with a new reality. With lock downs and other rules to curb the spread of the Coronavirus, money issues have rocketed to the fore. Many business face ruin as they cannot operate, individuals find themselves off work with no pay, others may be on short pay and yet others are being retrenched as their businesses can no longer operate. Some are fortunate, though, in that they can work from home, or are being paid by their employers irrespective of whether they are working or not.
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
It’s that time of the year again when we are bombarded with messages enticing us to spend money, and the heat is on in terms of spoiling those nearest and dearest to us. So much expectation is created around this season - entertaining, socializing, gifting and more. While it’s a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, it’s also a very easy time to fall into the trap of over-spending, leaving a financial hangover to deal with as you enter the new year.
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
Ever walked into a supermarket intending to buy only a few items, and ended up walking out with bags and bags of goodies, and a good few hundred Rand poorer? Granted, we have to eat, and for that to happen, we have to shop, but is there a way to shop smarter? Here are some shopping hacks that help you to keep your grocery bill in check…
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
No one likes to think about dying, let’s face it, but it is one of those life certainties, like taxes, that’s impossible to avoid! And while you can’t dodge the tax man, many people neglect to draw up a will, either because they have more pressing priorities, or because they want to avoid thoughts around death. As a woman once said to me, “If I draw up a will, I will die!”
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
Stuck in a financial rut? Maybe too much debt, too much retail therapy, too much of a people pleaser, too little money, or just not sure how to take control of it all? Financial freedom is within your grasp. By changing your outlook, you can change your life.
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
New year, new ideas, new goals, blah blah blah! There is always so much hype around each new year and how this year things will be different. It’s interesting, though, that a calendar year is man-made – there is no difference between 31 December and 1 January, except perhaps that it’s a milestone. And this I think is key – for many of us it’s a way of measuring ourselves and the progress we have made in life – a way of benchmarking our situation and comparing where we were and how far we have come.
by Sylvia Walker, author of SmartWoman
Every now and then I come across someone who has a burning desire to write a book. Whether it’s to see their name in print, or to achieve some kind of status that goes along with being a published author, it’s a serious bucket list item for many. This always takes me back to my own situation and how I fell into the world of writing books. I use the word “fell”, because it was never a burning desire of mine to write a book. Although I had written a fair amount of material in my professional career, I had never considered the idea that I might be an author at some point. I had not even studied languages at university.
Whether you’re starting a new business, or on your way to success, managing the money aspect can be tough. In the early stages, you are the business and lines are easily blurred between your personal and business finances. You may find yourself paying for business expenses from your personal bank account, or maybe buy some groceries or other personal items, and charging it to the business.