Personal and Professional Development Coach, Yoga Professional, Independent Non-Executive Director, Consultant

Phindile Dhlamini-Motshegwa is a dynamic, multi-dimensional, enterprising woman with experience in government and corporate South Africa for seven years; and has spent eight years navigating the business environment as a full-time entrepreneur and business owner. She’s experienced burnout twice – the first time in 2010 working dutifully and diligently in the financial industry. And the second in 2017 as a painstakingly determined and passionate entrepreneur, burning the candle on both ends in pursuing her business endeavours. She’s lived through the consequences of a series of unhealthy choices that prioritised her career ahead of all other areas in her life. She is enthusiastic about continuing to grow her knowledge of holistic health and wellness; while sharing lessons learnt through coaching and mentorship, working with those wishing to develop and transform personal and professional areas of their lives.

www.phindiledhlamini.comLinkedIn | Instagram



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