No one said it would be easy

No-one said being an entrepreneur was easy - if it was, everyone would be doing it. And talk to any successful serial entrepreneur and they will tell you that the secret is to stay focused and keep going through even the toughest moments - and there will be lots of those along the way! I have always been a ‘glass half full’ kind of person, seeing the positive and keeping an eye on the bigger picture at all times, even when the going is tough. So here is my tried and tested technique for getting through the inevitable hurdles you will encounter along the way, and battling through those days when you doubt yourself and this crazy entrepreneurial life you have chosen. I start by reminding myself of the 5 things I am most grateful for in my life and I take a moment to celebrate those things. I also remind myself of the reasons I chose to become an entrepreneur in the first place instead of embarking on a safe corporate career. I revisit my Big Hairy Audacious Goals list and remember why I am inspired to do what I do as an impact driven entrepreneur. And finally, I look those tough challenges squarely in the eye and tell myself I’ve got this!

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! — Melanie