by Catia Mondlane
We were taught to play safe and within pre-established limitations that brought blockages to our mindset and how we approach things in life. As a result we have those that are scared of taking risks to go after their dreams, especially when this requires breaking established behavioral patterns and unconscious boundaries.
Many people are employees, and that usually takes most of their time that could be focused on building up a business or going after one’s dreams. When the idea of quitting their job comes along, it can freak them out in a way that they prefer to give excuses why not to do something, instead of going after what really fulfills them. This may range from still depending on the salary, to not being sure if the business will really take off. So, we conclude that they want to start a business but the insecurities seem to take over their feeling and their doubts run the show.
On the other hand we have the ‘boundary breakers’, the ones who really do the move, quit their jobs, go after their dreams, and trigger the previous group. You see them running their businesses and becoming successful, which makes you wonder where did they find this courage. It seems that everything is so easy and smooth for them. Well, I’m here to tell you that is not that simple, ok! You just don’t have access to the offstage scenarios, where they don’t sleep, they get things done, they are under pressure, they fall and stand up again, they trust and become more hopeful than ever before, and they continue to walk with a smile on their faces.
The groups that I distinctly described are for sure very strong, and are sending a clear message that even if you are not going after your dreams at this point it doesn’t make you weak - for me it just means that it’s not yet the right time. I believe that each person has his or her own time, so don’t feel pressurized to do something that you are still not ready for, but don’t murmur for too long. Start moving slowly but surely - it’s better than being stagnant and unfulfilled. The ones that pursued their dreams and opened their businesses were ready and aligned with their purpose, which made it easier for them to follow their life path achievements, and that is why you see them becoming successful each day.
I truly believe that the impulse of energy comes from within each person, and that is exactly what makes people take action towards anything in life and overcome the insecurities and mindset boundaries. Depending on what motivates you to open your own company, it is clear that many people don’t really understand why they start a business. Be aware of what motivates you, because a list of those reasons as to why are you opening a business is what will keep you in business, and give you the strength to continue each day until you achieve your goals.
Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Cátia Mondlane is the CEO & Founder of Isabella – Estética & Cosméticos, an innovative Mozambican cosmetic company that brings natural skin solutions based on locally sourced organic and fresh ingredients. Her brand is especially for people with sensitive skin and who want to be kind to their skin at affordable prices. She is currently based in Maputo, Mozambique.
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