They say that great minds think alike, and in the case of Sophie Umazi Mvurya and Brigit Wasike, this is certainly a meeting of the minds. These two highly talented and passionate fashionpreneurs have a dynamic vision, to not only capture the fashion market in Kenya, but to take their unique House of Tahzi brand and transform it into a major global lifestyle name.
LoA spoke to these two inspirational young fashionpreneurs about their unique creative and entrepreneurial partnership and their aspirations for the future.
What does your company do?
House of Tahzi (H.O.T), works to produce high quality and affordable clothing items for the wider Kenyan population.

"Our similar vision for Kenyan fashion as a trend influencer in the global fashion world bore fruit to our partnership, where we combined both our lines to form House of Tahzi."
What inspired you to start your company?
Both of us initially had our own fashion lines that we worked on. After meeting at the Nairobi Fashion Week in 2014, it was inevitable that a partnership was in order. We both have complementing styles of design, are both extremely passionate about the Kenyan fashion industry, and our business mantra just tied the knot. Most importantly was our similar vision for Kenyan fashion as a trend influencer in the global fashion world that bore fruit to our partnership where we combined both our lines to form House of Tahzi.
Why should anyone use your service or product?
When you own a House of Tahzi item, your fear of stumbling into someone with the same exact outfit on the streets will be non-existent. We produce all of our products from scratch from the drawing board to the final product. This is because, we are an energetic and dynamic young company that has forged links with the most competent personnel and stakeholders within the clothing and branding industry to exceed client expectations across the spectrum from personal and customized designs for individuals to institutions such as NGOs, Banks, Hotels & Restaurants and local corporates.
"We are an energetic and dynamic young company that has forged links with the most competent personnel and stakeholders within the clothing and branding industry."

Tell us a little about your team
Our company is split into three. We have a production team that handles all of the clothing manufacturing; then we have the operations team that is made up of both partners; and finally we have the marketing and branding team that works to ensure our brand is present at all times on multiple platforms.
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you both come from an entrepreneurial background?
As stated earlier, both partners had their own individual ventures going on before collaborating to build a new company. Brigit is an accountant by profession and had worked for a few years before she decided to quit her job and work on her passion. She ventured out as a fashion blogger and designer with her own line releasing her first collection at the Nairobi Fashion Week 2014. Umazi on the other hand has had multiple previous ventures to this since the age of 16. She founded a movement by the name I AM KENYAN before she began her own fashion line too showcasing a variety of her collections in the US. It was after Nairobi Fashion Week that she and Brigit decided to combine forces.

"We plan on building a House of Tahzi lifestyle empire that extends beyond the world of fashion across the world."
What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
We plan on building a House of Tahzi lifestyle empire that extends beyond the world of fashion across the world. This will include cosmetics, domestic lifestyle apparel, shoes etc.
What gives you the most satisfaction being entrepreneurs?
We both hate working for other people than ourselves, so it feels great to be our own bosses. However, the most satisfaction we get from being entrepreneurs is our ability to come up with solutions that bridge various market gaps especially in the Kenyan fashion and textile industry.
"... always be willing to learn not only through your experiences but from other women, irrespective of their industries."
What's the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
Go for it! If you have an idea just go for it and do not look back. Yes the journey will be hard, but always be willing to learn not only through your experiences but from other women, irrespective of their industries.
Contact or follow House of Tazi
Why LoA Loves It….
There is something truly inspirational about two dynamic young African fashionpreneurs with a highly ambitious vision of building a global lifestyle and fashion brand that represents the best of what the continent has to offer. What is wonderful is that they are thinking big from the outset, setting them out as real trend influencers in their own right. House of Tahzi is one proudly African fashion and lifestyle brand to watch out for in the future. --- Melanie Hawken, founder and editor-in-chief of Lionesses of Africa