Dissonance is a intriguing new perfume project born out of a co-lab between a talented local artist and a well known perfumer. Cape Town-based perfumer Tammy Frazer and Johannesburg-based artist Nandipha Mntambo have teamed up to create Dissonance, a bespoke fragrance that's sold with a pair of unique gold leafed lithographic prints.
Nandipha says, "The fragrance is an extension of my artwork, it is all part of the same process. Arriving at a scent meant having to go into Tammy’s laboratory to smell things. The act of doing this was something of a performance in itself. The collaborative element is paramount, as the perfume is entirely dependent on someone else, someone who has the skill to make the fragrance make sense in the way that I can accept it as part of my body of work." And goes on to say, "I have always enjoyed collaboration. One can’t have the skills that everyone else has, and the insight that I gain into something that is foreign to me creates interesting spaces in my own work. Having discussions with Tammy about the concept of fragrance, and the combinations and chemistry that produce it, made me excited both about creating something new from scratch and how that might, in turn, inspire new artwork."
According to Tammy, "Working on a perfume is like working on a painting. You could keep going forever, but eventually you have to let it go."
Dissonance is produced in a limited edition of 20, with each ‘artist’s box’ in the edition including a hand-blown glass bottle by David Reade, perfume by Tammy Frazer and two unique gold leafed lithographic prints by Nandipha Mntambo. Research Unit designed the leather packaging, inspired by Nandipha’s work in cowhides. Editions will retail for R47,000 each, excluding VAT, and are available to view (or purchase) at Robert Sherwood in Cape Town.
Frazer Parfum is the inspiration of South African perfumer and entrepreneur, Tammy Frazer. Her company creates organic and natural perfume products, handcrafted while collaborating with local artists. Founded in 2008, each perfume is composed at a particular time in Tammy’s life inspired by expeditions traveling to the source of the raw materials. Tammy works only with the finest quality raw materials, whilst at the same time, celebrating art and design while spearheading African luxury.
Nandipha Mntambo is a South African artist who has become famous for her sculptures, videos and photographs that focus on human female body and identity by using natural, organic materials. With DISSONANCE, she has grown her artistic oeuvre to work with master perfumer Tammy Frazer.