Startup Story
Mary Macheze is a Mozambican law graduate since 2016 and registered as a lawyer, however being passionate about the environment and the rescue of traditional moral values, she set up her company, Othuka Eventos in 2019. She considers herself a young woman determined and committed to making a sustainable contribution to the environment and transmitting values that can make today's children into better people of the future. What makes her business special is that it creates and improve a relationship bond between parents and children. It also teaches about Mozambican culture, traditional games and helps to create a sustainable environment, as well as also teaching about the importance of recycling.
LoA spoke to Mary Macheze about her passion for the environment and for making children more aware of recycling and the part they can play in sustainable living.
What does your company do?
At the moment my company contributes in a sustainable way to the environment. We sell recycled products based on cans and bottles, considered garbage by some people and yet raw material for us. We also sell our services in providing traditional games for children's events, schools and leisure spaces.
“My journey as an entrepreneur started as a dream or adventure. When I designed the project I was in a complicated stage (Covid-19) and the dream was to organize events where we could all play and learn.”
What inspired you to start your company?
The initiative to create Othuka arose during a process of introspection where I needed to get to know myself and discover something that could motivate me. Because, when we leave the University, we have an idea about the professional world and we are not always prepared enough to deal with certain situations. In 2019 when I thought everything was lost, there was a light at the end of the “OTHUKA” tunnel where I realized that parents, guardians and children are increasingly disconnected. Well, children do not take their eyes off the screens and parents, guardians in turn with daily activities, reasons that provide little contact or interaction. However, when designing the project, I came across another difficulty (2019) that the resolution was not within my reach. When designing the project, I was recycling cans and bottles to reduce costs and make the space more attractive, because, even if they were traditional games, we are talking about children and there is a need to draw their attention. When I realized that Covid didn't have a set time to start I was sad and without much hope. However, because I'm surrounded by wonderful people they were encouraging and advised me to start selling the recycled objects I was making. I confess that at first it wasn't easy because for me it was only Othuka for children. But as time went by I started selling and with each sale I made, more challenges came up, and I realized that being among the cans, bottles, ropes and capulanas was authentic therapy and that they provided certain answers.
Why should anyone use your service or product?
Bearing in mind that over time technology has evolved and some games have been lost that somehow contribute significantly and cognitively to the human being, Othuka brings the differential in the sense of rescuing, educating and providing good family moments. The other differential of Othuka is that a can is no longer garbage and becomes an object of adornment associated with the fact that it is contributing significantly to a sustainable environment.
“I want to serve as an inspiration for other women who want to start a business and don't know where to start, or at some point go through a difficult situation and make them discredit what they are capable of.”
Tell us a little about your team
My team is small and made up of 3 young dreamers, including myself as Founder and Director Executivo; one network manager; and one artisan. We hire more workers for some jobs. We are all dreamers and we strive to achieve our dreams.
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?
My journey as an entrepreneur started as a dream or adventure. When I designed the project I was in a complicated stage (Covid-19) and the dream was to organize events where we could all play and learn. However, when organizing the event, I was collecting cans, bottles and recycling to reduce the costs. I only had the costs, but I didn't have the money and I ended up discovering a passion for recycling. I remember that the first recycled bottles were made with my mother's capulanas and with the help of my brothers to spray some bottles and cans offered by friends. Over time, I felt the need to grow and start investigating, trying to understand better about entrepreneurship. I went through some not very good moments and others better. Countless times I wanted to give up because things didn't always go as planned, but thanks to God and the unconditional support of family and friends, I didn't give up.
What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
When we start any business we have goals, objectives, dreams to fulfill and with me it was not any different. One of my biggest aspirations is to make our services and products known and recognized as one of the best references in the field of activity at the national and international level. I want to serve as an inspiration for other women who want to start a business and don't know where to start, or at some point go through a difficult situation and make them discredit what they are capable of.
What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?
One of my greatest satisfactions as an entrepreneur is realizing that working with what I like can achieve my financial freedom, and contribute significantly to a better society by bringing solutions to problems and satisfying my customers.

“One of my greatest satisfactions as an entrepreneur is realizing that working with what I like can achieve my financial freedom, and contribute significantly to a better society by bringing solutions to problems and satisfying my customers.”
What's the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
There are several pieces of advice that still may not be enough, but I would start by saying:
• You must be the first person to believe in your idea, and be sure that your idea is the solution to a given problem;
• Always write down any ideas you have about the business;
• Investigate, know how to listen, and always be willing to learn;
• We will only know if it is worth it if we try. We should not be afraid of making mistakes or falling into the process because difficulties can be a harbinger of good things to come;
• Not every day we will wake up with the same disposition and that it is still part of the process;
• Start with what you have and where you are, don't wait for millions to start because you run the risk of not starting;
• And finally, I would say never let people write your stories, fight for your dreams.
Contact or follow Othuka Eventos
Why LoA loves it….
The world needs more environmentally focused people who want to make a difference, and Mary Macheze is doing that with her sustainability focused business. Her passion for recycling, combined with her desire to teach others to learn about living more sustainable lives, is contributing to a better society on several levels. — Melanie Hawken, founder & ceo, Lionesses of Africa