by Yolanda Isabel Langa
Sustainable businesses are essential in our communities, balancing profit with social and environmental responsibility. Each choice can have a significant impact on the environment.
Read morethe pride of Africa's women entrepreneurs
by Yolanda Isabel Langa
Sustainable businesses are essential in our communities, balancing profit with social and environmental responsibility. Each choice can have a significant impact on the environment.
Read moreJosephine Sidambe
Lioness Weekender Cover Story
Ingqwele Consulting & Projects Managements Pty Ltd, a sustainability consulting business driving transformative change in South Africa
Josephine Sidambe is a visionary, achiever, and change maker, and the founder of Ingqwele Consulting & Projects Managements Pty Ltd in South Africa which was launched in 2013. As a dynamic agent of change in the world of sustainability consulting, Josephine has continuously pushed the boundaries of continuous improvements. She has an insatiable passion for sustainable solutions and unwavering commitment to reducing the climate change impact. She has contributed to the reduction of carbon footprint in the sustainability consulting industry through leadership and motivation to adopt green sustainable projects. With 25 years of professional work experience, of which 7 years are in the field of sustainability consulting, Josephine has harnessed her expertise to drive transformative change. As a senior sustainability consultant in the business, she leads with vision and tuning challenges into opportunities.
Read moreby Eldari Visser
Amidst the huge outcry of global warming warnings and several energy crises looming, a group of big corporations and government sectors, NGOs and Greenpeace nature lovers are putting their minds together, to find the next best solution for our planet. Operation “Going Green” seems so be on all the agendas. Some agendas are very close to serious activism if you ask me. We read in newspapers from around the globe on some of action taking place, some even to the tone of tomato purée and art! Gosh…
Read moreby Lionesses of Africa Operations Department
With so much going on in the world in the form of Covid shutdowns in China; continued Supply Chain issues; higher prices pushed even higher thanks to a war in what is clearly the world’s and if the massive import needs are anything to go by - Africa’s largest bread-basket otherwise known as The Ukraine; and of course the push-pull within Central Banks over raising interest rates to counter inflation or keeping low to keep recessions at bay (see our warnings on Stagflation here and here); one could be forgiven in our rush to lower electricity pricing by firing up coal fired power stations, for forgetting that the Globe is still suffering.
Read moreHelen Viljoen, founder Nebü (South Africa)
Startup Story
Nebü is a transparently priced, pure investment-grade gold jewellery brand inspired by and made in South Africa by entrepreneur Helen Viljoen. She creates legacy pieces for clients that will not only hold their value but grow in capital appreciation Helen believes this value not only enriches her customers but preserves our precious natural heritage.
Read moreImpact Partner Content / by Dr Langelihle Simela, Agribusiness Development Manager, Absa
Women entrepreneurs are business people like their male counterparts. As such, any factors that affect business growth and sustainability, affect their businesses too. These factors include understanding the opportunities and challenges in the sector in which they operate, how the prevailing socio-economic environment impacts on these, and the ability to ride the opportunities and tackle the challenges. For example, in South Africa, one of the biggest challenges is the inconsistent supply and escalating cost of electricity. Absa provides insights and content that focuses on the technologies, available resources, financial considerations for investment in these technologies, suitable implementation, as well as regulatory issues that must be kept in mind. This information is available to all businesses and the opportunity to gainfully use the information is equally open to all businesses. So why would there be special focus on women entrepreneurs in terms of achieving growth and sustainability?
Read moreImpact Partner Content / Absa
We recognize Africa’s vulnerability to climate change, and together with like-minded individuals and organisations, we will contribute to creating sustainable, value-creating solutions to some of Africa’s greatest environmental challenges.
Read moreby Lionesses of Africa Operations Department
At the time of writing, COP26 is into its last days and sadly it is not looking good for any meaningful results. The current feeling is that (non-binding) commitments so far given are driving us to an increase of 2.6 degrees, significantly higher than the 1.5 required to keep the globe relatively stable. The above quote tragically says it all. It is from Philip Davis, the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, one of the many countries on the battle front of Climate Change, as he arrived home disappointed but sadly not surprised by the lack of courage in his fellow leaders. "I invited them to be brave, to be courageous and act…” But as he added: “They don't seem to have any teeth to them.” (here)
Read moreby Lionesses of Africa Operations Department
…and so said Mark Carney the ex Bank of England Governor, now the UN’s special envoy on climate action and finance (here), and indeed he is right. To save the world; to ensure people continue to have homes, jobs and a future; to allow for a world where crops are not constantly facing drought one day and then hit by flood the next; to ensure that forests continue to provide habitats and local (and global) climate ecosystems - this all requires long, hard work from us all. Just to put it into further context, successive years of extreme weather events have plunged Madagascar into what WFP officials say is the world’s first climate-induced famine. Five years of consecutive drought compounded by sandstorms, as well as cyclones, an invasion of locusts and growing insecurity have created what World Food Program officials call the perfect storm. There is no magical green switch.
Read moreImpact Partner Content / Absa / by Vishay Rabbipal, Head: Renewable Energy, Retail and Business Banking
All-encompassing solutions for the green transition implies two intertwined policy objectives – inclusive growth and green growth. Put in a different way, it begs the question: How can we achieve environmental objectives and at the same time deliver inclusive and widely shared economic growth?
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