How much has changed in a short space of time. Who would have thought just six months ago that working from home would become the new normal, both for ourselves as entrepreneurs, and also for our employees. This workplace revolution is a current reality, with big and small businesses now re-evaluating their physical workspace requirements for the future. No longer is the lure of the big, expensive, shiny new office tower a priority. Now the focus is on how to invest in technology to ensure that every employee can be as productive as possible, wherever they work. From an employee perspective, there are mixed feelings about this new normal working environment. Most people do not miss the commuting to work each day, the hassle of being stuck in traffic or on cramped public transport for hours - such a source of stress and wasted time. However, on the flip side, many people find working from home has too many distractions, and the lack of psychological and physical separation of work and home life can be hard. One of the key ingredients of business success is to enable everyone to be at their most productive, whether that is home-working or in a formal workplace environment. Make your employees part of the solution and then everyone wins!