How many people do you know in your family, your community, your personal networks who are now considering becoming entrepreneurs? It could be out of necessity, because they have been furloughed or been retrenched because of the economic downturn caused by the Coronavirus. Or it could be as a result of having experienced the empowering feeling of working outside of the traditional workplace environment through the pandemic and resulting lockdowns. Suddenly, getting to spend more time at home with family whilst balancing work commitments, and realizing that quality of life means taking control of your economic destiny, leads to thoughts of starting a business. We all know the saying “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”, and that’s is exactly how entrepreneurs think and respond to the challenges that life inevitably throws at us. So that is perhaps why more and more people are now thinking about bootstrapping a business from home at this time. This bootstrap mentality, which combines a heady combination of big ideas, mixed with a need for frugality, innovation and agility, is necessary for success, not just early on but also as the business grows. And for all those who think that starting a business in the middle of a pandemic might not be the wisest move, think again. As big businesses and brands take strain in this changing world, room is being made for agile and innovative startups with new ideas to find their place in the market. Lemonade anyone?