Hit the pause button

How familiar is this scenario? It is 11pm, you are still at your laptop trying to finish and send out a proposal to win some much needed new business, and you have been working since 5am that morning? At the same time, you are constantly checking your phone for messages, responding as you go, not giving anything 100% attention, and simply taking the concept of multi-tasking too far. You ate a quick sandwich and grabbed a quick coffee on the go for lunch, and have just remembered that you are yet to have dinner. You are feeling stressed, tired, emotionally drained and your productivity levels are going down. On top of all that, you are missing out on quality time with your family and friends because you are working non-stop. The concept of work-life balance remains just that in your life, a concept. If all that sounds all too familiar in your entrepreneurial life, then it might be time to hit the pause button. Burn-out amongst entrepreneurs is all too common, and no matter how pressurized your business life is, it’s essential to try and get some quality YOU time into your daily life too. Plan your daily diary to include regular breaks, and also try and finish your working day at a reasonable hour, so that you can get that all important family relaxation time. Remember, your business depends on you staying fit and healthy, so take your YOU time seriously!