There is a quiet revolution underway, brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and one that is creating a new movement of women entrepreneurs globally. The latest annual Women in the Workplace study undertaken by consulting firm, McKinsey & Co, has found that at least one in four women are considering leaving the corporate world to start a business of their own. The overall consensus from those making this move was that corporate life no longer aligns with their core values, something that became more apparent during lengthy lockdown periods spent remote working. The opportunity to give up the daily long commute in traffic, abandon the suits and heels for more casual workwear, and remove the unnecessarily long meeting schedules in the office, highlighted what was really valuable on the work front. Women instead rediscovered themselves, allowed themselves to find their passions, and make the realization that taking ownership of life by starting a values based business just made sense. These women are now building businesses that work for them, and are no longer sacrificing their aspirations and needs in the corporate world, instead creating businesses that harness their strengths and passion for what they do.