by Tatenda Rungisa, Human Resources Practitioner and co-founder of Twin Connect Solutions
As 2018 comes to a wrap, many individuals and organizations are consumed with end of year reports and financial results. They forget about what will be coming ahead and the need to plan for the next year.
A new year is associated with new resolutions rather than goals. It gives hope to many people that what failed in the previous year can be redone, and what was never done or tried out can be invented and put into practice. A new year is a time when one may ask fellow colleagues about their resolutions and what they desire in the new season. Organizations sometimes come up with strategies and budgets for the next year. However, listing a number of goals is not difficult, what one needs is the knowledge and experience of how to carry out and implement whatever they have set out for the new year so that it becomes a success.
Therefore, it is more prudent to set measurable goals rather than the traditional 'new year resolutions’. Setting goals will push you and motivate you to work hard throughout the year. Here are five goal-setting tips that will get you started on your journey towards reaching your goals.
Be S.M.A.R.T.
When it comes to goal setting, be S.M.A.R.T. ,meaning set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timeous. Setting goals that are the opposite of the above standards will only lead to frustration, failure and loss of confidence. The S.M.A.R.T. method can be applied to a variety of goals, whether professional or personal, therefore meaning that whether it is an organization or individual, the method can be used and be successful.Set goals that are realistic, not for show or in competition with colleagues or other competitors in the industry, but goals that will add value to your line of business.
Embrace failure
We set goals based on what we desire and anticipate can achieve, though we would have assured ourselves that these goals can be attainable. It is vital to note that failure can be inevitable most times due to a number of reasons, sometimes reasons beyond our control. Setting goals involves learning what you need to do in order to achieve personal or organizational goals. The fact that failure can occur, it is prudent to embrace failure by seeing it as a necessary part of achieving your goals. It will only make you stronger and more resilient as you continue on your road to towards achieving your goals.
Never copy and compare
One person's first chapter in terms of personal life or business might be another's last and most successful chapter. Therefore, it is wise to never compare and copy another person's or organizations' goals or strategic intent. When you compare yourself to others, you rob yourself of time you could be spending on your own self-improvement. Comparing and copying goals set will also lead to disappointments, for example, company A will make goals for the new year based on its financial statements and human resources acquired. If company B, a competitor, copies goals made without fully assessing its potential, it will fail and have losses as it will not be ready for the certain goal set.Therefore always follow your own path in goal setting.
Motivate yourself and start small
12 months might seem like a long time, but before you know it time would have passed you by. Big success is made up of small victories. Motivate yourself through attaining the small wins and celebrating them. Live your life to the fullest and celebrate always, that will always push you untIl you achieve the biggest goal written down for the year.
Write it down
Have your note book, pen and goals. Write down your goals, no matter the size - short term or long term. Make sure you often revisit your notebook or 'vision board' and see how far you have come and what you still need to achieve. The realistic goals written down should have specific and timeous deadlines or due dates - do not get frustrated when you miss a due date, just work more on your time management and multi tasking skills. Tracking your goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you fight procrastination during each monthly period.
Tatenda Rungisa is a 25 year old based in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. She holds a Bsc Honours in Human Resources Management, Certificate in workplace collaboration and development, certificate in management strategies for people and resources and certificate of completion in the growth mind-set speakers training. She is a Human Resources Practitioner by profession, motivational speaker, blogger and columnist in a local newspaper. She also co-founded Twin-Connect Solutions which is a youth driven organization led by young females based in Zimbabwe and South-Africa. She is passionate about writing, women empowerment and community work.
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