by Eldari Visser
Which hill is the new successful opportunity for growing a business, or beginning a business? Can you tell? Last year for our holiday we had the opportunity to go to a very different area in wonderful, beautiful South Africa. We went more towards the steep mountains of an area that we call the Free State province - a different environment for a holiday. Usually lots of activities needed. Do yourself a favour and Google #Goldengatenationalpark, #clarens #Drakensbergmountainrange #Harrismith and #sterkfonteindam. You will quickly see the different green hills, steady rolling hills, massive rock faces, massive amount of waterfalls and water catchment area. The mountains are majestic and fierce, gorgeous yet frightening. Most impressive was the greens on all the hills. They looked idyllic and part of a greater story. I immediately saw a theme for our lionesses emerging from this beautiful scenery that surrounded me.
Every new year we think of our new plans we have for the coming business year. The new things we want to do, and we hope to create something new out of the year. Many are planning brand-new businesses, some of us are planning brand-new business strategies. Some plan selling and buying of businesses. Then many are discussing new expansions, acquisitions, and mergers, throw into the mix new contracts and even new partnerships. Yeah, planning is part of your world.
In the beginning of the New Year, we always feel so excited about what this new year is going to bring. We have the dreams and the hopes and expectations of a fantastic new year and that is good because we cannot take on a new year if we are already in a bad mental space. We need to be positive; we need to be excited, and we need to be ready to go.
Here is the lesson though.
Mountains or the heights that we want to achieve are beautiful to climb and yes, we want to scale those rocks, we want to end up at the highest top and we want to look over the most breath-taking views and scenery stating “Yes, I’ve done this” … but the mountains are very treacherous. It is not easy to climb a steep, dangerous or even daring mountain without help, without lots of strong ropes and equipment, and you must be really familiar with how to climb rock face before you’re even going to try and attempt it. Think of doing an Everest or Table Mountain, rock face climbing in Arizona or Australia?
So my dear Lioness, if you are feeling like taking on the mountain top this year, then make sure you are trained and have the best team as support. Have a back-up plan before you take on the big one.
As we drove through the curvy paths, we passed several waterfalls. Some flowing strong and many steady trickles just emerging from beneath the rocks slowly trickling from a rock. At the bottom way down in the valley it becomes a river, feeding many. Some became a rapid big gushing waterfall over a mountain cliff and off into a pool of very cold water but still feeding the eco system.
If you want to be a trickle or a gushing waterfall think of the end result. Feeding not only you but the greater community. As lionesses we scan the hills and mountains for the best opportunities, we think what will be needed to reach the top and from that success comes flowing water for our community and countries. Make sure you know where the water is coming from, where the track is for the water to run down and what is on the end of the “pool” thus be part of your system.
If you want to go plain sailing this year like a small cruiser on a big dam, part of the greater group? That’s also ok. Remember water of a dam is very cold but it holds many riches. If you choose to opt for plain sailing, well go for it, use the richness the water supplies. Be a good business neighbour or supplier or provider. Don’t deplete the riches many need to come after you. Teach others how to run your business. The generation to come. Just as many love water sports so you can teach many to love the business world. So yes, a solid business cliffs or waterfalls or just plain sailing - they all have a main focus. Providing.
Then for those who still haven’t decided what on earth this year it is that you are aiming for??? That’s also ok. Take a trip out to the countryside and think,
- Can I be that one to tackle the mountains?
- Do I rather want the waters flowing?
- Am I the solid girl that can make dreams come true when the wind is blowing the sails?
- What do I want to achieve?
- Am I just going to tackle a small little hill and make it something great beautiful and then going over to a bigger one, or am I just gonna go for the bigger hills this time, am I going to take a partner along? am I going to sell my smaller hill and then go for the bigger one?
Getting my drift, yes? Ask these type of questions and you will be amazed at the creativity that you have.
So, lionesses. Is it that already flowing green hill that you are taking on? Look at all the things you see around you, look at the business world through a green lens this year. I hope you enjoy the greenery that you will build. Just remember the pool water does not have riches in and lounging around it will just be for off days.
I hope your 2023 is going to bring you mountains of opportunities, lots of places to climb, lots of places to explore to be able to go higher and higher, and that you will have a green rolling Hill business… that feeds many.
Junglelove from Junglewealth series
Eldari Visser and her unique company, Picketfence Life, is providing access to information, advice and a powerful network of experts to help consumers find solutions to various serious issues. The company focuses mostly on easy blogs written by financial coaches, lawyers, accountants and tax practitioners, life and business coaches, and even psychologists. It gives practical tips and help and is the expert on your side of the fence. --- You can contact or follow Eldari at | Facebook | Twitter | #Junglewealth series
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