by Margaret Hirsch
No one has ever taken selling as a subject at school, yet over 90% of all business involves selling of one kind or another. When you hear the word salesman what usually comes to mind is a slick looking, fast talking, slimy person who is trying to take your hard-earned money from you. Well today and especially at Hirsch's Homestore, nothing could be further from the truth. Our salespeople are very kind, considerate people and they are known as "professional solution finders.” All day is spent finding solutions to other people’s problems. Be it from the perfect piece of toast for breakfast, to the most cost-efficient washing machine for a family of two, or ten; to the latest fridge/freezers which actually send you a message when your food is about to expire or run out! We have to know the model numbers, the features and benefits and of course the prices!
I was one of those people who thought I could never sell. I told my husband when he wanted me to take over more responsibility in the business that I couldn’t sell, and of course I could not as I had never had any training and there was no one to train me. But guess what, I was thrown in the deep end and I can tell you that selling will come naturally to anyone. If you decide that you can do this, it is like a drug - the more you sell the better you get and the more you want to sell.
Selling is the one of the few jobs where you can write your own pay cheque and you have an elastic income. The more you sell the more you earn as there are always incentives, commissions, and the thrill of the sale.
It’s also the job where you never get a break - the ABC of selling is Always Be Closing. I have been at dinner when someone came up to me, joined my table and start telling me how they are revamping their kitchen and need some advice, which is always freely given. It’s nothing unusual to be at a wedding and sell a complete air-conditioning system to someone at the next table, or to be in the doctor’s rooms and start discussing the features and benefits of the new TV’s or cellphones. The key is that you need to be really passionate about the product and honestly believe that what you are recommending is the best solution to the client’s problem.
Most people don’t like selling as they are terrified of rejection. But to us, NO just stands for “Next Opportunity” and we know that there are only so many no’s that you will get until you start getting the Yes’s that you are looking for. To be a good salesperson you need to know your product inside out. Your product knowledge has to be impeccable as often the clients have researched the items online before they come in and they will lose faith in you very quickly if you don’t know what you are talking about. The most important thing is to ask questions so that you find out exactly what the person is looking for, as most often they have an idea in their heads of what they are wanting and have an expectation of you as the salesperson to fill those wants and needs.
People buy from people they know, like and trust, so it’s important to get to know the client, ask them about themselves and then tell them a bit about you. For instance, how long you have been with the company, and how many successful deals you have closed. Giving some form of testimonial is always an advantage as they can see that you have served other clients in the past who have been happy to recommend you.
They must really like you and it’s up to you as a salesperson to ensure that you have dressed for success and look presentable, as people tend to judge you. Within the first three seconds they know if they are going to give you the deal, or not! Most importantly they need to trust you - it helps if you are working for a company that has been going for a long time. It takes years to build trust and only seconds to lose it.
I am always proud to say that I am a salesperson, as helping people fulfil their dreams gives one the most tremendous satisfaction. Every day is different, and every client is different. We stay in touch with all our clients, and it’s never been easier since WhatsApp, so we can communicate all the specials to them ahead of time. If they have a problem they have immediate access to us and we are able to resolve their issues quickly.
My mom and I
My mother who is still alive at 99, told me when she was about 80 that she knows she would have been a fantastic salesperson but, in her day, it was infra dig to be in sales. She felt that being an office administrator for a lady was a much better choice, and she was, but she realised too late that she would have had far more fun and earned so much more money being in sales.
One of our cleaners who worked her way up the ranks at Hirschs recently told me that she is earning 10 times more each month since she has gone into sales. So, I honestly don’t think that people who take mundane jobs, who get an annual increase, realise how much more they can earn if they go into sales. Sales is not for the faint-hearted, you have to be self-motivated, of strong character and super resilient to keep coming back day after day. Each client is an unknown quantity, and you get to know human nature in so many ways. It takes you out of your comfort zone, teaches you to think on your feet and gives rewards beyond measure.
The secret of success for a good salesperson is to be completely honest. I cannot tell you how many sales I have walked away from when the client has wanted something that I didn’t believe in. You need to be enthusiastic about the product no matter how many you have sold, and you need to see the sale through from the beginning, right to the end, and then some. Referrals are the best source of new business so it’s important to look after every customer and make sure they become raving fans of yours and they will tell all their friends and send them your way.
Even after so many years of selling toasters, kettles, vacuum cleaners, stoves, washers, driers, fridges, beds, furniture, tv’s and kitchen appliances, I still get a kick out of finding the correct product for that particular person and knowing that they will go home and get so much enjoyment out of it. That I will be there to guide them, and after a period of time when they need to upgrade, I will have the knowledge to get them a super replacement.
After 45 years in the business, I am now serving not only the children but the grandchildren of my clients who are now more like family than clients to me. They say if you love what you do you never work another day in your life, and I have to say that every day to me is a labour of love. I absolutely love what I do and I love training new staff who I know will help our clients with the same enthusiasm and knowledge that I have.
So, for those of you who say, “I can’t sell”, I say give it a try - you will surprise yourself!
Much Love,
Margaret Hirsch