Anyone can have a good idea, but turning that idea into a viable product that customers actually want to buy is another matter. That’s why for most people, their ideas remain just that. It is particularly the case in the food and drink sector. Think about how many people have told you over the years about a tried and tested family recipe they have, which has been passed down through the generations and is now ripe for commercialization. Turning that old family recipe into a product that is customer and market ready can be a long and tortuous process if you have visions of it sitting on a supermarket shelf one day. But it doesn’t mean you can’t make it happen. Start by finding a mentor, someone who has been in the food and drink business for many years and who has the right experience you need. Invest your time and effort in your product development and start small in order to test your product with consumers and get that all important feedback. Go to farmers markets, small shows and build up your community of consumers and champions. Gain all the insights you need that are essential to testing your product viability. Remember, getting a viable, scaleable product to market is a marathon, not a sprint.