Learn to delegate

Delegating effectively is a key trait of great entrepreneurs, and delegation is essential to the future success of any business, especially as it grows beyond the startup phase. Good delegators tend to achieve higher and faster growth rates than those with less of this talent; they tend to generate higher revenues over shorter periods of time; and they tend to create more jobs at a faster rate too. Gallup identifies six key differences between entrepreneurs who are good delegators and those who find delegating difficult. Firstly, delegators know that they can't accomplish everything themselves, so they are willing to relinquish tasks to others. Secondly, delegators develop team capacity using a strengths-based approach, to get more done, faster. Thirdly, delegators ensure that employees have everything they need to do their jobs for maximum productivity. Fourthly, delegators focus on outcomes, not processes. Fifthly, delegators encourage new ideas and approaches to accomplishing goals, empowering employees to take ownership of key tasks. Finally, delegators communicate frequently with employees, creating an open atmosphere of constructive feedback and shared goals. So, if you want to move your business to the next level, then learn the art of delegation.