Self care is an investment

Burn-out, it’s a feeling all too many women entrepreneurs are experiencing right now.  Let’s be honest, we have probably all been there at some point on this crazy entrepreneurial journey - working too many long hours, giving up our weekends for months at a time, sacrificing valuable family time because the business demands everything from us. At times like these, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression can make an appearance in our lives, ultimately leading to burn-out. That’s why it’s  important to remind ourselves that self care is not a luxury or something to be done in the future when we have more time. It’s an essential strategy and an investment in our personal health and wellbeing, and the future health and sustainability of our business. So instead of feeling guilty when you need to take time for yourself each day, whether that is to do a yoga class, or chat with friends and family over a cup of tea, or treating yourself to a spa treatment, don’t feel your time could be better spent. Remember that self care means you are investing in yourself AND your business.