South Africa's women entrepreneurs are invited to apply for a new accelerator grant, launched by the National Gazelle programme, an initiative of the Department of Small Business and SEDA (Small Enterprise Development Agency), and which provides both financial and business support.
Apply for the new Acceleration Programme: R1 Million Grant, opened to all businesses.
Do you qualify for the National Gazelles? A national SME business growth acceleration programme to develop a new generation of successful South African entrepreneurs.
Annual turnover must be above R1m (R83 000.00 Per Month) and below R30m.
You must be South African owned, registered with the CIPC and have a tax clearance certificate
You must have been in continuous operation for at least two years
You must be in one of the following industry sectors: Agriculture and agri-processing; Construction; Energy and Green Economy; Health and Bio-Sciences; Information and Communication Technologies; Manufacturing; Media, Marketing and Creative; Mining, Metals and Engineering; Tourism; Transport and Logistics;
Applications are open to any business that meets the entry criteria. Only online applications will be accepted. You can access the registration and application forms on the National Gazelles website.
The closing date for applications is Friday, 16 October 2015. The National Gazelles are selected independently by KPMG and EY and the process is audited by SizweNtsalubaGobodo.