Look out for the launch shortly on Amazon of the wonderfully titled “Impact with Wings - Stories to inspire and mobilize women angel investors and entrepreneurs - it’s an anthology of personal stories and research written by six female impact investors. This book's purpose is to enlighten and inspire women to step into angel investing and/or entrepreneurship, as it is through investing in each other that we can begin to tip gender imbalances and bring more women forward.
“As women achieve greater financial success, they are looking for projects they can support on behalf of women. Impact with Wings covers a timely topic of interest for more women than ever. It is an extremely valuable and thought-provoking narrative, coupled with practical information on financing.” --- Dr. Marsha Firestone, President/Founder, The Women Presidents’ Organization
The authors of Impact with Wings ask a fundamental question in their book - will you settle for leaving half the world’s wealth on the table? Discovering angel investing transformed the lives of the six women who cofounded Wingpact, a global angel investment and entrepreneur community. In a world where women’s capital remains underused, angel investing—providing money, human capital, and expertise for startup or early-stage companies—offers a potent and often overlooked opportunity for women to impact the future. The authors, all of whom are well-established in the global business and investment community, share their personal stories and insiders’ insights, offering a clarion wake-up call intended to activate new women angel investors and spur women to invest in female-founded companies.
Both inspirational and actionable, Impact With Wings offers the necessary tools and information for evaluating whether angel investing is an appropriate financial asset class for you. Whether you’re a woman who wants to tap into your previously dormant financial clout or an entrepreneur, of any gender, who wants to understand the huge potential of women’s economic influence, Impact With Wings will inform, educate, and inspire you.
About the authors
Suzanne Andrews, Jagruti Bhikha, Karen Bairley Kruger, Christine Emilie Lim, Wingee Sin, and Hana Yang are the co-founders of Wingpact, a global community of investors and entrepreneurs whose vision is to create a more gender inclusive world. They have come together to encourage other women to identify their passion, determine their purpose and unleash their fullest potential. To further this vision, Wingpact is working to inspire and mobilize women angel investors and entrepreneurs. They have written their first book for women about angel investing and provide programs to unleash women’s financial power and create community for women investors and entrepreneurs. Wingpact lives by Five Core Values:
Influence: Influencing the global community by bringing more women forward
Inspire: Inspiring each other and all women to access their greatest talents and skills
Innovate: Creating and supporting Innovation that disrupts the biased status quo
Invest: Investing for the long-term, both financially and socially
Impact: Seeking Impact that creates equality and makes the world a better place
Visit their website: www.wingpact.com
Why LoA loves it….
We can’t wait for this book to hit the shelves shortly so that women entrepreneurs across the African continent can get a greater insight into the world of angel investing through a gender lens. One of the biggest challenges in Africa for so many women entrepreneurs who are looking to scale their businesses is tapping into the right sources of investment by women angel investors. They need to identify and work with such angel investors and advisors who understand all too well how difficult it can be for women to fulfil their true entrepreneurial potential without access to finance, particularly in Africa. This book looks to shed light and provide insight into how women can genuinely reach their entrepreneurial goals by tapping into a mobilised women angel investor network around the world. --- Melanie Hawken, founder and editor-in-chief of Lionesses of Africa