Guest Blog: by Lireko Dorothy Ncube
I am sure we are all for setting goals at the beginning of each year, even unreasonable goals that are often far-fetched. Sometimes, setting these goals is a well intended exercise, but it will end up being meaningless if not taken seriously. When setting goals, take time to think the process through, and keep in mind that tomorrow is a new day, one where no mistakes have been made yet. So, here are 4 steps to successfully setting your goals at the beginning of each year....
1. Reflect on the previous year’s goals
Did you achieve the goals you set in the previous year? Do you feel like you could have done more? Whatever the case, unfortunately you can’t turn back time and do everything differently. So, 2016 is the perfect opportunity to make it all better. This MAY still be your best year yet, but it all depends on you. Change whatever it is you feel was not done effectively in the previous year. The power of goal-setting is in the clarity it provides you, outlining what you need or want to accomplish. Just remember, don’t set goals blindly.
2. Don’t run before you walk – set up a clear game plan
Set goals that are reasonable and achievable. Have a game plan, you cannot achieve D before you achieve C, so it’s important to know what you need to do step-by-step. Even if it’s a big goal, break it into small actions - it will mean that you can celebrate achieving each milestone reached, before moving on to the next one. That way you are able to monitor the progress you are making, and this will keep you motivated and on track for the finish line. The simpler the goal, is the less motivation you will need to achieve it - this will become evident when you achieve the initial phase of your plan.
3. Commit to obtaining results
It is imperative to make a commitment to achieve your goals in order to avoid leaving things half done. We all know how daunting the process can be between visualising your goal and actually seeing the results. But don’t dare quit before you begin, so stay committed as this is the key turning point - once you are fully committed, you will definitely see your goal being achieved.
4. Throw your old excuses out of the window and push through difficult moments
You might not have achieved your goals in the previous year (or years) because of some silly excuses. Don’t carry things over into the next year and the next. Recognise potential threats and challenges and learn to navigate around them, and when things get difficult do not fall back on excuses. Instead, keep pushing on, take charge of the journey. Ultimately, stay focused.
Remember, you are the pilot of your own destiny, so don’t let the plane fall along your entrepreneurial journey, or worse still not land at all - even when there is turbulence, keep driving to your destiny!
Lireko Dorothy Ncube is a guest editorial contributor to Lionesses of Africa. Lireko lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa, and is a regular blogger on entrepreneur lifestyle and communications topics.
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