Women in Tech Founder and CEO of EDEL Technology Consulting, Ethel Cofie, has announced the first and largest ever global women in technology week to be held both physically and virtually in over 40 countries.
Ethel Cofie
The week-long event will simultaneously take place in countries such as Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Mauritius, Botswana, Cape Verde, China, Germany, United States of America, Canada, Belgium, UK with events supporting the growth of women in technology and the African growth using technology. More than 10,000 participants from across Africa and the diaspora are expected to be part of the event.
Women in Tech Africa has a strategic vision of enabling women to drive Africa’s growth story and create impact on personal life. The Group believes that women are equally capable of being at the forefront of technological development and advancement in Africa and the world at large. Hence, its agenda of supporting female leadership and creating a pipeline for girls to choose technology.
Speaking about the initiative, Founder of Women in Tech Africa and CEO of EDEL Technology Consulting, Ethel Cofie, said: “This is a collaborative attempt to build a global network, allowing us women to compare our challenges, learn from other countries and connect across borders to expand our influence.”
Additionally Women in Tech Week also gives individuals and organizations the opportunity to create their own user generated women in tech week to enable a global collective impact using technology. For example, the City Organizer for Abuja will be training over 800 pupils in villages outside Abuja on coding. http://www.womenintechafrica.com/2016/09/01/organise-your-event-women-in-tech-week/
Women in Tech Week, is a great opportunity for women globally to come together to network, share and empower each other to improve and push forward the technology growth agenda. Each Day of the Week interrogates the different aspects of growth for leadership and technology such as Technology Day, Leadership Day, Entrepreneur Day, Work–Life Day, and Talent Day. Under these themes topics that would be discussed include, Women in Leadership, Digital Africa, Social Enterprise, Work - LifeBalance, Security, Innovation and Technology for the Next Generation among others.
The Global Sponsors for the event are Oracle, SAP, EDEL Technology Consult. The Country and City Supporters are ISpace Foundation, Kawa Moka and Jayset Consulting, Women in Business Botswana (Wiba), Botho university, Global holdings Thapong Visual Arts, Cermi, Access TV ,ECREE, Wecreate. Other supporters include; Gabz fm, Sameera enterprise, Safari Creative Hub, Phatuma Apartment and Liquid Library.
For information on how to book for and create an event, please visit http://techweek.womenintechafrica.com/events/ #womenintechweek