Have a big why....
"You need to believe in what you are doing - have a big why - to keep you going. Learn some basic business skills, preferably before you give up the day job. Having a vision is only the start, you need a strategic plan on how to get there, otherwise too much time is lost dithering about what the next step should be. Budget for help as there will be times you need professional skills you don't have."
- Marion Nixon is a natural health practitioner with over two decades of experience caring for the well being of her clients. Marion empowers women who are struggling to do, achieve, be what they want, to reach their full potential by demonstrating to them what is possible, encouraging them to believe their dreams are possible, and giving them the confidence to take the action needed to reach their goals. Before she discovered the world of natural health her love of learning took her into the academic world, and to a Masters Degree in Religious Studies.