Startup Story
Mozambique has some exciting design talents emerging on the entrepreneurial scene, and Isis Mbaga, founder of the brand that carries her name, is one such talent. Her fashion brand has appeal to local and global consumers who are looking for unique designs with local flair.
LoA learned more about this creative entrepreneur this month.
What does your company do?
I am a fashion designer and I graduated in Mozambique. My brand is called Isis Mbaga; it is a ready-to-wear women's clothing brand. I also work as a costume designer for advertising sports, movies, theater and more. I have authored two books on Mozambican fashion and presented a television show on fashion.
Sou uma designer de moda, formada em estilismo baseada em Moçambique. A minha marca denominada Isis Mbaga é uma marca de vestuário feminino de pronto a vestir. No entanto trabalho também como figurinista para Spots publicitários, filmes , teatro e mais. Sou autora de dois livros sobre moda Moçambicana e apresentei um programa de televisão sobre moda.
“Our difference is I make a point of putting my DNA in all our pieces, running away from the usual. Practicality and comfort are essential in our products.”
“O nosso diferencial. Faço questão de por o meu DNA em todas nossas peças, fugindo do usual. Praticidade e conforto é o essencial nos nossos produtos.”
What inspired you to start your company?
My passion for the art of creating. I am passionate about events and because of this passion I ended up entering the fashion world, I gained taste and today I do not see myself working in another sector.
A minha paixão pela arte de criar. Sou apaixonada por eventos e por conta dessa paixão acabei entrando no mundo da moda, ganhei gosto e hoje não me vejo trabalhando em outro sector.
Why should anyone use your service or product?
Our difference is I make a point of putting my DNA in all our pieces, running away from the usual. Practicality and comfort are essential in our products.
O nosso diferencial. Faço questão de por o meu DNA em todas nossas peças, fugindo do usual. Praticidade e conforto é o essencial nos nossos produtos.
Tell us a little about your team
Our team is small and functional. As the brand designer, I create the products, make the prototypes, which then go into production with my colleagues. Our dream is to see the team grow and make it more sustainable in order to ensure a better quality of life for us. We work with and for the love of something we believe in.
A nossa equipe é pequena, mais funcional. Eu como designer da marca crio os produtos, faço os protótipos, que depois entram para fase de produção tendo os meus colegas como responsaveis por essa parte. O nosso sonho é poder ver a equipe crescer e torná la mais sustentavel de forma a garantir uma melhor qualidade de vida para nós. Trabalhamos com e por amor em algo que acreditamos.
“Our dream is to see the team grow and make it more sustainable in order to ensure a better quality of life for us. We work with and for the love of something we believe in.”
“O nosso sonho é poder ver a equipe crescer e torná la mais sustentavel de forma a garantir uma melhor qualidade de vida para nós . Trabalhamos com e por amor em algo que acreditamos.”
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?
Entrepreneurship chose me. I started my journey at 20 and only had a formal job for 6 months. I knew nothing about the challenges of being my own boss, the freedom to be able to do my own thing, to travel, to make decisions encouraged me to keep going and never give up even when things got complicated. Learning how to run a business is the main Achilles heel.
O empreendedorismo escolheu me. Iniciei a minha jornada aos 20 anos e só havia tido um emprego formal por 6 meses. Nada sabia sobre os desafios de ser a minha própia chefe, nas a liberdade de poder fazer as minhas própias coisas, poder viajar, tomar decisões incentivou me a continuar e nunca desistir mesmo quando as coisas se complicam. Aprender a gerir um negócio é o principal calcanhar de Aquiles.
What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
My main goal is to grow as a brand and to be able to have the products in international markets. Being able to employ more people and being able to produce more.
Meu principal objectivo é crescer como marca e poder ter os produtos em mercados internacionais. Poder empregar mais pessoas e poder produzir mais.
What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?
The recognition of my clients and the people who accompany me on my journey. Having been able through my work to raise the name of Mozambique in several countries such as: United States of America, Portugal, France, Niger, Congo, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
O reconhecimento dos meus clientes e das pessoas que acompanham a minha jornada.
O ter podido através do meu trabalho elevar o nome de Moçambique em vários paises como : Estados Unidos da América, Portugal, França, Niger, Congo, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Africa do Sul.
What's the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
Be brave. Believe, focus and seek to learn more and more. God is a great partner in my entrepreneurial journey.
Sejam corajosas. Acreditem, tenham foco e procurem aprender sempre mais. Deus é um grande parceiro na minha jornada emoreendedora.
Contact or follow Isis Mbaga
Why LoA loves it….
Mozambique is rapidly gaining traction with its fashion scene and some exciting, home-grown, women owned brands are starting to emerge. Isis Mbaga is one such brand, celebrating the country’s capulana textiles, but with a contemporary design twist. Isis has already built up a reputation as a fashion influencer, writing books and hosting fashion television shows, but with her own ready-to-wear fashion brand, she is taking her expertise and eye for detail to the next level. This is a fabulous Mozambican fashion brand to watch over the coming months . — Melanie Hawken, founder & ce0, Lionesses of Africa