Startup Story
Crocheting is an art that many Malawians are taught at an early age, but for Angellah Manda, founder of Angelos Crochet, she was inspired to take the craft to the next level and into business. Today, her beautifully crafted crochet garments and accessories are desirable fashion items by her growing customer base.
LoA chatted to founder Angellah Manda to find out more.
Tell us about yourself
I was born and raised in the Central part of Malawi, in Lilongwe. Today, I am the founder of my own business, Angelos Crochet. I am a graduate from the University of Malawi, Chancellor College, and in the fourth year of my studies in college, I started crocheting as a small business. Upon graduating I immediately took it on as a serious business. I have been crocheting for about 15 years in total.
“My business is special because everything my customers buy has been lovingly made by hand.”
What does your company do?
At Angelos Crochet, we design and crochet all sorts of products - fashion items and accessories, ranging from dresses, skirts, suits, trousers, tops, hats and bags, all produced using quality yarns.
What inspired you to start your company?
Frankly, I started crocheting because I have always loved creating. Even as a child! So this love for creating something with my own two hands was what drove me to start my business. I was also inspired by the lack of existing suppliers of crochet products, at the time I started my business there were not a lot of people doing it. So the fact that people wanted crocheted products but had limited options from where to buy, was also a source of inspiration to start the business.
Why should anyone use your service or product?
My business is special because everything my customers buy has been lovingly made by hand. So the effort and dedication that goes into producing a crochet product from Angelos Crochet remains special. My business is also special because it is a representation of a childhood source of joy. I had the best time as a child crocheting, so to date it has that same childlike authenticity and innocence to it. I know a majority of my fellow Malawian women have gone through a stage in their lives where they'd sit down and knit or crochet with their friends or parents.
Tell us a little about your team
I work with my sisters. My little sister showed interest in being part of the business, so I welcomed her on board. We now crochet together and pretty much run the business. We've been working together since 2019.
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And do you come from an entrepreneurial background?
I do not come from an entrepreneurial background. Being an entrepreneur was never something I envisioned. My school program was even far from anything to do with business. But once people started showing a lot of respect and love for my products, it was just a natural transition into being a business woman. There would be times I'd think, this will probably not last that long in the early days of my business. But turns out, the support was always growing and now I have come to accept and believe that this is what I was meant to be doing. And my effort into it has also just automatically grown.
“I'd like to have companies that solely focus on crocheting or knitting of Malawian products that my fellow Malawians can buy, as well being able to export them to other countries.”
“I would also want my business to be one that all these other women that have passion and love for crocheting or knitting can be a part of. That way our crocheting family grows.”

What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
Most definitely! I'd like to have companies that solely focus on crocheting or knitting of Malawian products that my fellow Malawians can buy, as well being able to export them to other countries. These would be products that celebrate everything that our country stands for. Crocheting is also an art that Malawian women are taught as children, at least a lot of them. So I would also want my business to be one that all these other women that have passion and love for crocheting or knitting can be a part of. That way our crocheting family grows.
What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?
Satisfying my customers and getting positive feedback. At the end of the day, I am here because I have a group of people that support me and believe in my talent. Satisfying their orders is a source of joy on my end. It's also satisfying knowing that you're doing something you truly love. Every day when I'm doing it, even times when it's not easy, I am satisfied already.
What's the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
My biggest advice will be to believe in your work and talents. You have to have so much trust and belief in your own talent that even on those hard or bad days you know you are great, and you'll be able to get through this. That way no matter what hurdles you face along the way that try to stop your business goals; they are nothing compared to the belief you have in yourself. It is also important to celebrate others along the way and be open to collaboration.
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Why LoA loves it….
At Lionesses of Africa, we say it often that ‘passion drives profit’, and businesses are far more likely to survive if they are driven by committed, hard-working women entrepreneurs who have a real passion for what they do. Customers are attracted to buy products that have been created by passionate and talented craftspeople who love what they do and who take pride in every product made and sold. Angellah Manda is one such entrepreneur who has a genuine passion for the artform of crochet, but is taking it to the next level through her business and through the skills development she is now looking to impart to others in this field. — Melanie Hawken, founder & ceo of Lionesses of Africa