Startup Story
Jessica da Fonseca Sargento is the inspiration behind The Zen Living Project community and now Zen Coaching, founded in 2020 in Mozambique. She graduated in Law and has worked for large corporations over the last twenty years, as a lawyer, following the so-called “traditional” trajectory that society applauds: a steady job, a steady paycheck, and the allure of climbing the corporate ladder. Yet as Jessica climbed the ladder, she felt a growing disconnect between her daily tasks and her inner aspirations. – financial gains, positions, and hierarchical advancements no longer resonated with her and she began searching for knowledge and holistic training in the areas of yoga instruction, meditation, and life coaching.
The seeds of change were planted through introspection and conversations with mentors, friends and loved ones, and Jessica realized then that she longed for something deeper than a nine-to-five job. The prospect of guiding individuals on their transformative journeys, helping them unlock their potential and find fulfillment lit a fire within her (even while she was still in the corporate world and with her own team). She realized that her true purpose was to promote personal growth and help other people in their pursuit of happiness and success.
A Jess é a a alma por trás da comunidade The Zen Living Project e agora do Zen Coaching, fundado em 2020. E formada em Direito e trabalhou para grandes corporações nos últimos vinte anos, como advogada, seguindo a chamada trajetória “tradicional" que a sociedade aplaude: um emprego estável, um salário estável e o fascínio de subir na hierarquia corporativa. No entanto, à medida que subia, sentia uma desconexão crescente entre as suas tarefas diárias e as suas aspirações interiores. As métricas de sucesso que o mundo corporativo usa – ganhos financeiros, cargos e avanços hierárquicos – não ressoavam mais com ela e começou em busca de conhecimento e formações holísticas nas áreas da instrução de yoga, meditação e coaching de vida.
LoA spoke to founder and coach, Jessica da Fonseca Sargento about her entrepreneurial journey, her passion for helping others with their personal growth, and her vision for the future.
What does your company do?
At Zen Coaching, we provide a range of specialist services, focusing on Life Coaching, Mindfulness and Personal Development, Consultancy-Guided Meditation, and Therapeutic Art.
Presta serviços de:
Coaching de Vida Mindfulness e Desenvolvimento Pessoal,Consultoria;
Meditação Guiada; Arte Terapêutica.
“What gives me satisfaction is seeing my work have an effect on my clients, and seeing them leave my sessions feeling lighter and with renewed hope and confidence that they are capable of overcoming obstacles.”
“The ZEN Coaching approach is unique because it introduces the mindfulness component (through meditation and therapeutic art) into life coaching, which is normally very focused only on practical objectives.”
O que a inspirou a iniciar a sua empresa?
I started part-time and as a hobby, in an attempt to create a balance between work as such, and activities such as yoga instruction, in my free time.
Iniciei em regime de part-time e como hobby, na tentativa de criar um equilíbrio entre o trabalho enquanto que tal, e as actividades como instrução de yoga, nos tempos livres.
O que torna a sua empresa, serviço ou produto especiais?
The ZEN Coaching approach is unique because it introduces the mindfulness component (through meditation and therapeutic art) into life coaching, which is normally very focused only on practical objectives. ZEN Coaching invites its clients to analyze and reflect on a global and holistic level, beyond what they want to change and/or improve.
A abordagem do ZEN Coaching é única pois introduz a componente Mindfulness (através da meditação e arte terapêutica ) no coaching de vida, que normalmente, é muito focado somente para a parte de objectivos práticos. O ZEN Coaching convida os seus clientes a fazer uma análise e reflexão a nível global e holístico, para além do que se pretende mudar e/ou melhorar.
Partilhe um pouco da sua jornada empresarial. Tem algum historial de atividade empresarial?
My experience was essentially working for third parties, this being the first time working on my own and in my company. In the past, I did some work as a voice-over talent on a part-time and independent basis.
A minha experiência foi essencialmente a trabalhar para terceiros, sendo esta a primeira vez a trabalhar por conta própria e na minha empresa. No passado, fiz alguns trabalhos como talento voice over em regime de part time e independente.
“ZEN Coaching invites its clients to analyze and reflect on a global and holistic level, beyond what they want to change and/or improve.”
Quais os seus planos e aspirações futuros para a sua empresa?
To make ZEN Coaching a reference point at a local (and international) level for the individual transformation process. Becoming the greatest ally of individuals and organizations in the area of mental health and achieving personal goals.
Tornar o ZEN Coaching como uma referência a nível local (e internacional), para o processo de transformação individual. Tornar-me na maior aliada de individuais e organizações na área da saúde mental e concretização de propósitos pessoais.
O que lhe dá mais satisfação enquanto empreendedora?
Seeing my work have an effect on my clients, and seeing them leave my sessions feeling lighter and with renewed hope and confidence that they are capable of overcoming obstacles.
Ver o meu trabalho surtir efeitos nos meus clientes, ve-los a sair mais leves das minhas sessões e com a esperança e confiança renovadas de que são capazes de ultrapassar os obstáculos.
Qual o maior conselho que pode dar a outras mulheres que pensam abrir uma empresa?
Just start, even without having everything ready, even without everything being perfect; start!
Começa, mesmo sem ter tudo pronto, mesmo sem estar tudo perfeito; começa!.
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Why LoA loves it…
Often to get ahead in life and in business, and to find a sense of fulfillment, it’s so important to the right support and advice at both a personal and business development level. That’s when coaching can be a real help. Jessica da Fonseca Sargento has channelled her skills and expertise in the field of coaching to build a business that helps others to overcome key challenges on their journeys and to fulfill their life purpose. — Melanie Hawken, founder & ceo, Lionesses of Africa