by Jenny Du Preez, the exclusive coach for
As a woman I know what it is like to put the needs of others ahead of my own, to constantly juggle various balls. Never dropping any of them, that would never be an option! At the very heart of this is You, a Super Hero, the one who others depend on. We inspire, protect, love and fight for others.
So, we begin with you. Your dream, your business, your ambition starts with “You”. I would like to challenge you to see “You” as a well of water. This well may be full and deep and from this well you quench your thirst, you energize your soul and mobilize your dreams. So how do we keep our well full and deep? How do we keep it from drying up, from becoming a ghostly place of death no one wants to go near?
Like every Super Hero we come into this world with gifts, when we are little our gifts are like the air we breathe, constantly with us, never are they questioned, we play with them, we enjoy them, and we are them. For many of us, as we grow older they become buried, so deep they become dormant and we begin to fade, little by little.
Successful dreams and businesses have one thing in common - a “realness” about them. A place that people can come to quench their thirst; a place that reminds them about who they really are and how they can express that.
Take a trip back to You - Naked, Unpolished, Raw. Gently peel back the layers of protection, the layers of advice, the layers of fear.
Incredible drive and energy is required to keep your dream alive, and many of us will be tempted to follow the masses to try and copy “successful” models. You do have all the answers you need.
Super Heroes have the following in common:
- a story
- an alter ego
- gifts
- weaknesses
- a costume
All Super Heroes have a story, but they don’t live in the past. They are fully present in the moment. Super Heroes have an alter ego that allows them to enter spaces that their super hero cannot, only to allow the super hero entrance. Who do you show the world. Super Heroes have gifts, they are unique. They come from their story, once realized they strengthen them. They can be nothing else but these gifts. These gifts are clues to who they are.
Weaknesses arise when Super Heroes go against their natural make-up and try to be someone else. This is an opportunity for the villain, the opposition to grow stronger. Super Heroes show clear identity in their costumes and in their work - you cannot confuse one Hero with another.
Pay attention the next time you feel any of these: a feeling of discomfort inside, feeling bound by time, constantly having to bring your attention back to the matter at hand. Ask yourself: am I being true to myself?
Becoming self-aware takes time, patience, self-love is the first step in the right direction - the direction to You. From this place of You, the answers are at first a whisper and then a little louder. Listen.From this place, our wells can replenish themselves to offer an Oasis, for inspiration to drive us and our business forward,
Some food for thought.
Who would you be if you were free?
What do you want people to leave with after they have been with you?
Jenny Du Preez has more than 15 years experience in dynamic business environments managing executives working in high deliverable positions. She holds a Bcom degree from Unisa majoring in Industrial Psychology and Business Economics. Jenny completed her ILS life coaching international certification in 2016 and is in the process of completing her master’s qualification. She is passionate about Super Hero and Wellness coaching and inspires, explores, gives voice and empowers others. Find out more or email or use #Jenny in mail.