Where’s your sense of humor?

The month of April always reminds me about how important a sense of humor is when you are an entrepreneur - I think it’s because it starts with April Fool’s Day on the 1st of the month. Laughter and joy, the foundations of humor, are well known to relieve stress, improve morale, lift the spirits, and overall increase a sense of well-being. And let’s be honest, there will be many days when our entrepreneurial journeys will be tough and we will be in need of a good dose of laughter to get us through. A sense of humor is also definitely needed on those days when clients don’t pay on time, when suppliers don’t deliver, and when people generally let you down. So if you are experiencing one of those days (weeks or months!) when things are just not going right, treat yourself to a good laugh - read a funny book, watch your favourite comedy series on TV, go to a live comedy show - or just spend some time with a friend who makes you laugh. You will feel so much better for it.

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie