Passion driven women entrepreneurs need to make profits too

Many women entrepreneurs are inspired to start a business because they want to solve a problem or challenge in society. Others turn a passion or a hobby into a business. In both of these situations, often they forget that to be sustainable there has to be an intentional focus on making profits, not just making an impact. It’s okay to solve problems, but the business aspect needs to be a priority too. Creating profitable businesses will ensure that it’s possible to solve even more, and bigger problems. That’s why when starting or growing a business, your plan needs to include a clear strategy for making money from your product or service, and a plan for managing the long-term growth of the business. It may be necessary to consider expanding into other related service or product areas, or it may mean going digital with your business. Whatever the case, you may not have the next five to ten years completely mapped out, but you need to plan where those future profits are going to come from.