There is not a single entrepreneur out there who has not experienced rejection, setbacks, and negativity at some time in their lives - it is all part of the business building journey. But knowing that fact doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. It is only human nature for our confidence to take a knock at times like these. So, how do you build up resilience to help you deal with these experiences? Perhaps one practical way to give your confidence a much needed boost, and put a smile back on your face, is to remind yourself of better times, past achievements, and positive feedback. Why not create a Smile File for yourself? What exactly is a Smile File you might ask? It’s a digital folder where you can put all your great customer testimonials, emails congratulating you on a great product or service, comments from your social media platforms from happy customers, or simple messages sent to you from brand supporters. It’s a digital place you can browse through when you are feeling down, when things are tough, and you need a welcome confidence booster that you are doing lots of things right! Create that Smile File of your own today, you never know when you might need it!