by Eldari Visser, Managing Director, Picketfence.Life
As part of a tribe of amazing Lionesses I know you will love this story which fits in perfectly with many common journeys we share. When we embark on an exciting journey through the jungle or the bush we start off with excitement, anticipation, happiness and all those emotions that send endorphins to our body. We also start with a good dose of fear.
These feelings of fear get even greater when we get briefed by the expedition leader on what to expect. An eerie feeling runs down your spine when he says, ”Please stay in the group at all times and listen to my instructions”… you immediately think of all the dangers lurking on the trip ahead. I am brutally honest that I am really scared of the big 5 and if you mention LION, I am sure you can relate.
Then I met an amazing female entrepreneur who runs Jugomaro Predator Park who gave up everything she had for the love of her big cats. She hand raised and rescued most of her lions and Bengal tigers and knows every single body language and noise that they use to communicate with her. She is hosting sessions to teach people about these wonderful animals and I had the opportunity to kiss a Tiger and to hand-feed a Lion. I have no words to describe the love and joy that I experienced that day being in close contact with these animals. I realized that once I knew and understood what they are about, I am informed and the fear is less. Yes, and there was an expedition leader by my side at all times! So wisdom and knowledge about a subject is super important. I listened to her instructions and I felt safe.
That made me realize that many people also handle their money and finances with an attitude of fear. Purely because they don’t know how and they fear the hard facts. If we become literate about a subject then we have the knowledge and the tools to understand exactly what we are dealing with.
Put in the mix a professional accredited expedition leader or a coach and you will experience less fear in dealing with tough financial decisions both in your personal life and your business journey. Stay close to them, listen to the instructions, understand what you are doing with your finances and become literate… or as I call it ‘Financial Intelligence’. The road ahead is then super easy and you will reach the other side as a survivor!
Eldari Visser and her unique company, Picketfence Life, is providing access to information, advice and a powerful network of experts to help consumers find solutions to various serious issues. The company focuses mostly on easy blogs written by financial coaches, lawyers, accountants and tax practitioners, life and business coaches, and even psychologists. It gives practical tips and help and is the expert on your side of the fence. --- You can reach Eldari at www.picketfence.lifeor
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