In South Africa, many companies find it a challenge to manage an efficient business that doesn’t at the same time comprise on customer service. Mandisa Makubalo, founder of Rehoboth Waste Management Services, is building a business that helps companies to address their wasteful cost structures and achieve a competitive advantage in the market place.
LoA found out more this month from founder Mandisa Makubalo.
What does your company do?
We are building a strategic data driven consultancy that enables medium size entities to improve customer experience by reshaping wasteful cost structures.
“We are building a strategic data driven consultancy that enables medium size entities to improve customer experience by reshaping wasteful cost structures.”
What inspired you to start your company?
After losing my job as the Head of Services for a consulting firm I struggled to find employment. I was either told I am too expensive or recruiters simply did not come back to me. I was approached to head up a project where I would get majority share in the project, and looking at the work I did in this project mostly without the help of the other two members, I knew this was my calling.
Why should anyone use your service or product?
The biggest market challenge facing businesses today is how to focus on the core business without compromising the experience offered to customers. Businesses find themselves juggling between managing numbers and keeping customers satisfied. Economic changes have a huge impact on customer behavior, forcing companies to reshape their business models in response. We get businesses to see what they cannot see. Our approach is focused on reshaping wasteful cost structures in order to improve the customer experience, giving businesses a competitive advantage in the market place.
“The biggest market challenge facing businesses today is how to focus on core business without compromising the experience offered to customers.”
Tell us a little about your team
At the moment I am responsible for everything. I have a business partner who is more on the operational side of the business. I have developed strategic business partners who work with me on some of the projects.
Share a little about your entrepreneurial journey. And, do you come from an entrepreneurial background?
I grew up in a family of 9 siblings - my mom was the 2nd wife to marry my dad after his first wife passed away. I am the second last born in my family. We had a family business which was owned and managed by my dad. He sold fresh meat, live chickens, vegetables and alcohol to the community of Gugulethu in Cape Town. All my life I was exposed to business, I even travelled with him when he went to buy stock. I also travelled with him when he did deliveries. Our house was always full, he had people working for him so there was never a quiet day at home. After graduating, I always worked for corporates where I grew at a very fast pace finding myself setting up divisions for some of South Africa’s large corporates. I have never, ever in my life thought I would be doing what I’m doing now as an entrepreneur, but I would not change it for anything in the world. I love every moment.
What are your future plans and aspirations for your company?
I see the company changing the culture in business to one where businesses are more alert to waste in their cost structures and where customer experience is the new buzz word in business. I see my company growing worldwide. The vision for the company is very bold and rooted in what God has mandated for me. This is not just a company but it’s a calling to steward God’s wealth.
“Our approach is focusing on reshaping wasteful cost structures in order to improve customer experience giving businesses a competitive advantage in the market place.”
What gives you the most satisfaction being an entrepreneur?
Serving others brings me so much joy. Being able to bless others through my journey and knowing that I have been chosen for this assignment. I consider myself as not just an entrepreneur but I am a Kingdom Entrepreneur.
What's the biggest piece of advice you can give to other women looking to start-up?
You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. The presence of challenges does not mean an end, if God is for you who can be against you. Never separate God and your business - it has to be one because He gives us principles through His word.
Contact or follow Rehoboth Waste Management Services
Why LoA loves it….
Finding your niche in business, and utilizing your unique skills and experience, is key to success. For Mandisa Makubalo, her skills and experience in helping companies to find effective solutions to cost management, are ensuring she is building a business that can grow over time with her clients. Her results and her growing client list speak for themselves. --- Melanie Hawken, founder and ceo of Lionesses of Africa