by Eldari Visser, founder of Picketfence Life
The year’s time clock has ticked over and we, as humans, settle our feathers for a new year - all the new challenges, the goals to achieve, the dreams to chase, scores to settle and proving of self-worth ... how necessary is this?
Have you ever wondered how many people don’t do a typical “click over”? They don’t go into a new year, they either fall into it or drag through over into the new year. The people that irritate them the most are the “goal-setter clan... “look at my planning people”, or the “what are you setting out to do that’s exciting this year?” “Which dream are you chasing?” ... and so they blah, blah along. Oh my goodness, and if it is your own closest family prodding, then that’s a whole other story!
This last year I was fortunate enough to not click over - well, maybe unfortunate, but it gave me time to listen to all the new business noise. All the goals and targets and exciting plans... and soon realized by just listening that we lost ourselves. Well not forever just for now!
So, who are you?
For 4 months I became a sloth because I had to. Not by choice but by force. This limbo state taught me a great deal about our race against ourselves and other people, or our own dreams, excuses, hurried lifestyle, and lost time with families.
What is it that your business takes from you... and what would happen if you became that little more in a state of limbo?
We know in nature that we get the massive speedsters - cheetahs, hares, ostrich, kangaroo, even some hippos can catch you - they are super necessary but my goodness what does a sloth do .... really?
Well, first of all the view of your world will look different. Stress would definitely be less. There would be time to sit and think how you are going to chase those dreams, even before it’s on paper it will be easier. Be alone for a while... think - long and hard. Ask these questions? Are you in a good space? Is your business? How about your money? Are you forfeiting any of the three for the other.... are you making a living or are you actually living? Are you going to sort of just slog along... just survive?
My sloth time forced me to think about what I seriously don’t want to do, and after many years of fear ... the time of hanging upside down in the world gave me the courage to say enough! Time to move to that other side of the forest, even if it takes me a long time. But you know what, sloths cover some good areas in one day! If they are focused, they can easily get settled into their new space before the dark sets in.
Do you feel like you need to settle into a new space? Maybe studies - or less. New challenges - or less. The time for owning your business. Maybe to give it up- you are not a loser if you choose this path?
Lioness, we can lie down in the long grass and just breathe for a time it is ok. It’s ok not to pull out a list of new year targets or lists of achievements to focus on, or what- ever the world thinks make you so super cool.! You are already super cool. Believe in yourself!
My dear businesswomen, one day it will happen, and the success will make you rise up from the long grass or reach the top of that tree, but don’t be ashamed for not going into overdrive already. The world is busy... it’s ok to be able to wait for your someday! Like the beautiful sloth with the gorgeous face. When you turn to look around see the beautiful world , drink it in and savour the moments before the real running starts. One day you when you meet a sloth - take a good look at their peaceful faces.
May these 20-onwards years be the time of your rising, of your achievements to be remembered, for family to applaud you, and for you to be happy, really happy - whether you are this side or on the other side of the jungle! It’s still you my dear that’s hanging on tight.
As a last thing, remember any jungle has their little nit-pickers but also their supporters. This past year I had to lean heavily on my own group of professionals on the Picketfence.Life list. I consulted financial gurus, estate agents, website cleaners, psychologist even... and I realized that every business needs a backup place where they can go for support .
In 2020, I will still help you to find the best partner for the movement through your business jungle. In my next blog article, we will start to prepare for another year of moving along in the financial jungle - the business journey. Be blessed 2020. Press that re-set button when you are ready to set off!
Eldari Visser and her unique company, Picketfence Life, is providing access to information, advice and a powerful network of experts to help consumers find solutions to various serious issues. The company focuses mostly on easy blogs written by financial coaches, lawyers, accountants and tax practitioners, life and business coaches, and even psychologists. It gives practical tips and help and is the expert on your side of the fence. --- You can contact or follow Eldari at | Facebook | Twitter | #Junglewealth series
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