Just start!

I was reading some fascinating statistics this week on the widening gap between men and women when it comes to starting businesses. It would appear that the number of women who aspire to start their businesses is closer to the number of men who wish to do the same. So, that’s the good news, more women are thinking entrepreneurially when it comes to planning their futures. However, the gap widens when it comes to turning that aspiration into reality and actually starting a business. It seems that women are less likely to start their business and also more likely to exit at early stages or between phases of transition (4 out of 10 in factor-driven economies). This trend slightly improves in innovation-driven economies where there are two exits for every 10 businesses owned by women. The suggested reasons for this disparity are seemingly obvious, with the balancing act of being primary caregivers for their families and trying to balance that role with launching and growing a business being one of the main ones. However, the overriding factor seems to be the challenge for many women of just starting, not overthinking it, and making that aspiration a reality. 

Have yourself an inspired entrepreneurial day! - Melanie