by Eldari Visser
Without a doubt we have been attacked. Many of us feel it in our core as humans. We hear of devastating news, people that mourn and people that suffer. This has a tremendous impact on the psychological thinking of a human as validation that we are still in control. We surely don’t feel in control. The only way to feel in control is to make a living. Work makes us feel that we are..... in control!
Suddenly the world as we know it is turned on its head, and the first place where the impact hit was not necessarily our bodies, because not everybody got sick - but everybody felt it in their wallets. Everybody. Rich and poor alike.
So what is the story today?
As in the little clips that I sent ...
we were all out in the cold, storm raging around us, people, friends and even the postman disappeared behind high walls... we are in lockdown. Wow, it sounds like a movie...
You start counting the money left in your accounts as your lockdown requires more time behind closed doors. Some are in the position to keep the ball rolling, others have half, others nothing.
Realignment and clever thinking starts happening, e-commerce, e-learning, e-programs, e-schooling, homeschool and IT manufacturing become new buzzwords.
Most of us think day and night about new ways to make the system work again, or pray for a new bright idea. Many stress. Even the rich! All for one good reason - the need to earn an income.
Here is how:
Whatever you have - snip some off and put it in a pot to grow. Any pot. Snip regularly.
If you still have a pot that is relatively ok, don’t touch it unless it is extremely necessary.
If the pot is empty you are not the failure- a new seed will come.
Don’t let your wallet get used to more money that was loosened up by interest rate drops or payment holidays.
Remember, during this time, your mindset is the key.
You have to keep your focus. Ask yourself why are you doing this? Why did you start a business? For whom?
Write your end destination on a piece of paper again. Keep it in your wallet. — “I want to be financially free and ok so that I can live a wealthy life and still enjoy my life, my kids and give back to society”- that’s mine.
Don’t let go of your dream. If the lockdown steals this from you, this virus is then a thief that stole too much. Don’t let that happen.
Keep on thinking of money as a tool not as the result. The result of money is what you can do with it. Money is not what you want . You want freedom.
Take a re-look at your finances. Maybe in this time a new budget can be designed, something can be paid off quicker.
Be aware of the “full wallet” spending habit. Once your mind thinks there is more now it is very difficult to become frugal again.
Put aside a bit for savings that you never thought possible.
Stop the fear mongering. Read positive news , listen to business gurus who are flooding the waves with incredible cool new stuff to streamline businesses for more effective post- #Covid19 business methods. There might be a way for you to get excited again and stop the fear.
The world is not going to be the same. Come on girl, you are an entrepreneur, what can you do that is smart and different?
Think like a tribe. Who can get into the team with you?
This could be a great opportunity for new growth .
Let the brain make new thought and growth patterns. In less than 21 days a brain can decipher a new plan, in 6 weeks in needs to be implemented. Don’t waste your incredible talents.
Re-align, don’t step off the path.You still want a touchable wealthy life. Very do-able!
Till next time
Jungle kisses.
Eldari Visser and her unique company, Picketfence Life, is providing access to information, advice and a powerful network of experts to help consumers find solutions to various serious issues. The company focuses mostly on easy blogs written by financial coaches, lawyers, accountants and tax practitioners, life and business coaches, and even psychologists. It gives practical tips and help and is the expert on your side of the fence. --- You can contact or follow Eldari at | Facebook | Twitter | #Junglewealth series
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