Entrepreneurs and the art of turning crazy ideas into business opportunities

If we look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs who have pushed the boundaries of innovation to create their unique businesses, they often have the ability to take what seems to be a crazy idea and turn it into reality. Just think Elon Musk and his SpaceX or Tesla ventures - who would have liked to be a fly on the wall in those initial business pitches and fundraising discussions, hearing about crazy ideas to build commercial businesses that would deliver rockets into space, or develop a new luxury brand of electric car. Or any number of Richard Branson’s business ventures linked to world breaking records or industry busting business models. Yet today, these boundary pushing entrepreneurs and their crazy ideas are celebrated. So, perhaps the lesson to learn is that sometimes it’s okay to let the imagination run riot, to explore new ideas that might seem a little crazy at first sight - the trick is to shift that crazy idea into reality by exploring the possibilities, looking at what could work, bouncing ideas off other people who could turn them into new products or ways of doing things. It’s what keeps the world of entrepreneurship fresh, exciting, and at the cutting edge of innovation.