by Lionesses of Africa Operations Dept
Following on from our recent articles, you have tightened up your structure and processes, you have a decent team around you that understands and appreciates the direction you are taking the company. You have invested time and energy in training to motivate and keep your staff. You have ‘controlled the controllables”, and you have mitigated in part your un-controllables through partnerships or closer relationships in your supply chain. You have made it through the last two years with a mixture of grit, determination, self sacrifice and (yes) a bit of luck (to reread those articles, please visit our website here). You went online and now have an ever increasing demand for your products or services, not just from your local community, or your state, but from your wider country and even beyond (who knew that someone would find your website and click ‘Buy Now’ whilst sitting in Sweden!). You wake up one morning and realize that the time is right to ‘scale up’ and ride this wave!
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