by Lionesses of Africa Operations Department
The Lionesses of Africa is and always will be a-political, and rightly so. This means this article is not about the pros and cons of one candidate over another in the recent US Election (we are also not US voters, so it would be arrogant of us to suggest we know one way or the other what is the right, or the best or correct route - the country has not only spoken, it has spoken loudly and clearly not only with the majority of the popular vote going to now President Elect Trump, but with majorities in the Senate and most likely in Congress, with increased number of Latino, African American, Hispanic, “[e]ven in demographics she won…women, Black men and young voters—Harris conceded [large numbers of] votes to Trump and won by a narrower margin than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 or President Joe Biden did in 2020.” Forbes here. Latino men and women also had a huge drop off of support for Harris, having come out in large numbers for President Biden and Hillary Clinton previously. Her only increase in support from that previously given to Biden was with Black Women and a slight improvement on college educated white voters. Women still voted for VP Harris “but she won less of the vote than both Clinton and Biden…while Trump won white women by 8 points.”
The voters sent her and her party a clear message.
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